
Vorträge international

  • Boevers, J.; Zentgraf, A.; Hoon, C; Piening, E.P. (2023): Facing the Rebel: Identity Work of Nonfamily Leaders after a Leadership Succession in Family Firms83rd Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4.-8. August, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.120bp
  • Boevers, J.; Zentgraf, A.; Hoon, C.; Piening E. P. (2022): Who am I as a Leader? The Identity Work of Non-Family Leaders after a SuccessionInternational Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Santander/ESP, June 21-24.
  • Esau, E., Jung, C., Schäper, T., Piening, E.P., & Foege, J. N. (2021): Business Model Innovation and Financial Performance: An Institutional PerspectiveAccepted for presentation at ICIS, Austin Texas, December 12-15.
  • Kandel, I.J., Baluch, A.M., & Piening, E.P. (2021): Bad Company? Exploring Cross-Sector Partnerships as Potential Threats to Nonprofit Identity81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 29. July-04 August.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11162abstract
  • Joshi, A.M., Antons, D., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2020): Filling the Institutional Void? Exploring Governance, Conflict, and Cooperation in River Basins80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August.
  • Antons, D., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2019): It Takes Two to Tango: A Dyadic Perspective on the Reputation-Collective Turnover Relationship79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, 9-13 August.
  • Piening, E.P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Alexander, B. (2019): Learning to Raise Money–How and When Entrepreneurs Learn from Failed Crowdfunding Campaigns79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, 9-13 August.
  • Piening, E.P. (2018): Human Resource Management Systems: Exploring the Construct’s Hidden Potential.78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, 10.-14. August.
  • Foege, N., Schäfer, S., Antons, D., Lüttgens, D., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2016): Revealing or Concealing: How Legal and Psychological Ownership Matter in Crowdsourcing ContestsAccepted for presentation at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, 5.-9. August.
  • Piening, E.P. (2016): Standing Together or Falling Apart? Understanding Employees’ Reactions to Negative PressAccepted for presentation at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, 5.-9. August.
  • Foege, N., Salge, T.O., & Piening, E.P. (2014): The Geography of Imitation: Global Innovation Ecosystems and the Risk of Being Infringed34th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Madrid, 20.-23. September.
  • Piening, E.P., Salge, T.O., Baluch, A.M., & Park, T.-Y. (2014): HR Systems and Interpersonal Workplace Deviance - A Dynamic Perspective74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, 1.-5. August.
  • Salge, T.O., Piening, E.P., & Schaefer, S. (2014): Innovating Across Boundaries: Towards and Ecosystem View of the Multinational Corporation74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, 1.-5. August.
  • Salge, T.O., Piening, E.P., & Foege, N. (2013): Exploring the Dark Side of Innovation Collaboration: A Resource-Based Perspective73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando) 9. - 13. August.
  • Salge, T.O., Piening, E.P., & Schaefer, S. (2013): Collaborating Across Boundaries: How Multinationals Benefit from Global Innovation Ecosystems33rd Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Atlanta, 28. September - 1. Oktober.
  • Piening, E.P., Baluch, A.M., & Salge, T.O. (2012): Linking Employees’ HR System Perceptions, HR Outcomes and Performance: A Longitudinal Study72th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston 3. - 7. August.
  • Ridder, H.-G., Piening, E.P., & Baluch, A.M. (2012): Mind the Intended-Implemented Gap: Understanding Employees’ Perceptions of HRM72th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston 3. - 7. August.
  • Piening, E.P. (2011): Dynamic capabilities in public sector organizations: A review and conceptual framework15th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Dublin 11.-13. April.
  • Ridder, H.-G., McCandless, A., & Piening, E.P. (2011): The Whole is more than the Sum of its Parts? How HRM is Configured in NPOs and Why it Matters71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. San Antonio 12.-16. August.
  • Ridder, H.-G., Piening, E.P., & McCandless, A. (2011): Exploring the Black Box of the Relationship between HR Systems and Performance in Nonprofit Organizations15th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Dublin 11.-13. April.
  • Salge, T.O., Bohné, T.M., Farchi, T., & Piening, E.P. (2011): Harnessing the Value of Open Innovation: The Moderating Role of Innovation Management4th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand, November 2011.
  • Piening, E.P. (2009): The Tension between Dynamic Capabilities and Path Dependency in Innovation Processes69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago 7.-11. August.
  • Piening, E.P. (2009): The Process Dynamics of Innovation Implementation: The Case of Public Hospitals in GermanyThe Thirteenth Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM XIII). Kopenhagen 6.-8. April.

Vorträge national

  • Naß, S.; Zentgraf, A.; Piening E.P. (2022): The Times they are A-Changin’: Organizational Identity and Identification in the Age of New WorkVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Berlin, 29.-30. September.
  • Zentgraf, A.; Piening, E.P. (2021): Knowing Me, Knowing You: A Dyadic Perspective on Identity LeadershipVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Düsseldorf, 16.-17. September.
  • Antons, D., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2018): Media Reputation and Employee Turnover: A Dyadic Perspective. 42Workshop der VHB Kommission Organisation, Hamburg, 15.-16. Februar.
  • Huneke, P.N., & Piening, E.P. (2018): Linking media coverage and employee behavior: Evidence from German football teams.VHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, München, 13.-14. September.
  • Kandel, I. J., & Piening, E. P. (2018): Temporary Leadership: Assessing Leadership Effectiveness in Temporary SettingsVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, München, 13.-14. September 2018.
  • Schardt, T., & Piening, E.P. (2018): Mapping the organizational learning literature – Topics, trends, connections.VHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, München, 13.-14. September.
  • Wilhelm, J., & Piening, E.P. (2018): Multiple team membership: Exploring its effects on team and organizational identification.VHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, München, 13.-14. September.
  • Antons, D., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2017): Flowin with the Wind: The Influence of Media Reputation on Employee Movements between Organizations77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, 4.-8. August.
  • Piening, E.P., Antons, D., Salge, T.O., & Kreiner, G.E. (2017): Standing Together or Falling Apart? Understanding Employees’ Reactions to Negative Media Coverage41. Workshop der VHB Kommission Organisation, Hamburg, 16.-17. Februar.
  • Piening, E.P., Salge, T.O., Baluch, A.M., & Park, T.-Y. (2016): Losing our cool - The influence of HR system cutbacks on interpersonal workplace devianceVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Paderborn, 22.-23. September.
  • Baluch, A.M., Salge, T.O., & Piening, E.P. (2012): Untangling the Relationship between HRM and Hospital Performance: The Mediating Role of Attitudinal and Behavioral HR OutcomesVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission ÖBWL, Hamburg 25.-26. Oktober.
  • Ridder, H.-G., Piening, E.P., & Baluch, A. M. (2011): The Third Way Reconfigured: How and Why Nonprofit Organizations are Shifting their Human Resource ManagementVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Gießen 29.-30. September.
  • Ridder, H.-G., McCandless, A., & Piening, E.P (2010): Human Resource Management in Nonprofit-Organisationen – Einflussgrößen, Konfigurationen und WirkungenVHB Herbstworkshop Kommission Personal, Gießen 11.-12. November.